1105 Webbwood Drive, Sudbury ON P3C 3B6 sudburyfoodbank@vianet.ca 705.671.9663

Cash For Cans

Media release
March 23, 2020
Keeping the Sudbury Food Bank Stocked during the Pandemic
“We are going to see people and families coming to a food bank for the first time in their lives and we need to be ready,” says Dan Xilon, Executive Director, Sudbury Food Bank.
The Sudbury Food Bank’s annual spring food drive normally raises approximately $200,000 in food and cash donations. However, this year due to restrictions related to the pandemic, a traditional food drive of collecting food may not be possible.
The Sudbury Food Bank assists 44 food banks and meal providers. These agencies currently support 8,000-8,500 people per month.
“We expect the need to increase during this unprecedented time when Greater Sudbury, like the rest of the world, is dealing with the economic as well as the public health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
All levels of government are promising financial assistance to individuals and businesses but there will be gaps in timing and shortages in the amounts needed.
“Our community needs to work together to bridge these gaps. Our most vulnerable citizens cannot stockpile food and they need your assistance now.” This spring, the food bank is seeking cash to purchase the cans that would have been collected in a traditional food drive.
Here’s how you can help:

  1. Make a financial donation, either one time or monthly
  2. Encourage/challenge others to contribute in whatever way they can
  3. Spread the word through social media
    Every dollar donated to the Sudbury Food Bank will be transferred directly to a community food bank or group/agency that provides food to those in need. Cash enables these groups to quickly purchase the food that is most needed. If you are able please consider sharing what you have.
    Donate online: https://www.sudburyfoodbank.ca/donate/
    Donate by cheque: Sudbury Food Bank, 1105 Webbwood Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, P3C 3B6

Thank You To: Gateway Casino’s Lett’uce Fill Your Fridge

BDSFB Executive Director Dan Xilon and Representatives from Lett’uce Fill Your Fridge at Gateway Casino

Last week representatives from Gateway Casino’s Lett’uce Fill Your Fridge showed up with a donation of 920lbs of food collected from the casino’s staff and customers. Thank you all for your efforts!

Thank You To: The Sudbury Real Estate Board

BDSFB Executive Director Dan Xilon with Representatives of The Sudbury Real Estate Board

Some members of The Sudbury Real Estate Board stopped by last week and brought with them a wonderful donation. As part of their 2018 Christmas Party the members of the Sudbury Real Estate Board raised $26,065 dollars to help us in our mission to fight hunger in the city and region!

Thank you to all their members, volunteers, and to their organizing committee for this tremendous donation!